
Steward connect
Steward connect

steward connect

“We are pleased to partner with Get Real Health to make StewardCONNECT available to our patients,” said Julie Berry, Chief Information Officer, Steward. “Steward Health Care continues to be revered as a pioneer in the Boston market and we are proud that our award-winning platform is powering their patient and provider portals.” “We’re excited to help Steward realize its vision of connected care for both its patients and providers,” said Robin Wiener, Get Real Health president and founding partner. Steward patients can access their health record online through StewardCONNECT ( ), as well as securely message with their healthcare provider, access health educational information, and see their health information in easy-to-use graphs. Steward Health Care System includes approximately 3,000 physicians and 11 hospitals that serve more than one million patients from 150 communities in New England. The new patient portal, StewardCONNECT, was made available to patients on April 1, 2014.

steward connect

Steward Health Care System LLC (Steward) is using Get Real Health’s InstantPHR™ patient engagement platform to meet its Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements for patient engagement. We will provide interpretation services for anyone that needs them.StewardCONNECT provides patients with online health record access, secure messaging with providers, educational information and more. We would like for every participant to attend at least one, but they can attend as many as they want to attend.


People can RSVP with tentative to the series and then change individual RSVPs for each Saturday.

steward connect

We will hold a monthly Introduction/Orientation the second Saturday of each month from April to July from 10:30 to Noon. The invite for this event is a series invite. Even if you change partnerships, you are welcome to stay in touch with your past partner if that is something you both agree to. You get to decide how your relationship with your mentor/mentee progresses. Additionally, we understand that individual needs change and growth occurs, so mentor/mentee partnerships are not fixed or permanent. With the flexible nature of this program, participants can increase or decrease their level of participation at any time. Some participants just want to receive the informational emails and newsletters that we will be sending out. If you just want to be able to reach out to the Contract Specialist team from time to time with questions, we welcome that level of participation, too. If you aren’t sure if being a mentor or a mentee is right for you at this time, you can simply join our monthly workshops and participate in the collobarative discussions around specific topics. You can be a mentee and gain additional knowledge from a more experienced Steward. You can be a mentor and share your experience and skills with other Stewards. The program is very flexible so that we can be respectful of the voluntary time commitments that our member leaders have shared with us. Stewards can join SMDP at any time and tailor their level of participation in the program to their individual needs at any given time.

  • Regular Workshops to enhance knowledge and skills.
  • An Introduction and Orientation session so that we can have introductions and see what prospects we have in terms of compatibility for mentor/mentee partnerships.
  • We ask that you complete a profile questionnaire to aid us in supporting you.
  • An Interview meeting to to get to know you better and assess some of your talents, skills and goals.
  • The program is built around 4 main components: The program consists of mentor/mentee partnerships and regular skills workshops. The mission of this program is to connect Stewards of all levels of experience to be able to engage as a communiity across agencies and coalitions in a meaningful way that allows for Stewards to share ideas, collaborate and participate in mentorship while gaining additional knowledge and support to enhance their role as a member leader. In February 2022, the Contract Specialist Team launched the Steward Mentorship and Development Program (SMDP).

    Steward connect